Karate SparringKarate Sparring

Event S1 Karate Sparring

Maximum 200 competitors

$80.00(15% off for two events; discount applied at check out)

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Karate sparring is an essential component of all karate training. It provides a safe means of youth and teenagers to test their skills in free style fighting.

Girls and boys in combined divisions ages 12 and below. Separate divisions ages 13-17 (if participation mix allows)

Mandatory protective gear: foam head gear; foam hands; foam feet; mouth guard; male competitors must have protective cup
Recommended Optional Protective gear: chest pad; shin pads; forearm pads

Sparring Rules

White through Brown Belt

NECC follows OST Rules which are as follow:

Guide by three P’s (P)lacement – technique must make contact with anywhere in the front or side upper torso. (P)lanned – technique must have been planned; incidental contact in the scoring area will not count; (P)ower—technique must have power as indicated by sound or by kiai; a soft but deliberate strike to the target area will not count First to 5 points wins. Or highest score at 3-minutes